Gold Minds Group Inc. Workspace Redesign


About Gold Minds

About Gold Minds

Founded by the visionary and forward-thinking CEO, Dean Earl, Gold Minds Group is a multifaceted company led by the dynamic entrepreneur, writer, and AI capitalist. Dean has carved a distinctive niche in the business landscape.




Gold Minds Management Inc., a diversified parent company, operates in the realms of music management, e-commerce, blogging/podcasting, and recording studio services. The challenge was to streamline its diverse operations for enhanced efficiency and collaboration.



Music Management Agency:

  • Incorporate tracking of progress and updates to enhance online presence in a structured data format.

  • Foster a creative environment for generating innovative ideas.

  • Improve financial transparency and tracking.

  • Enhance the consulting experience for clients.

  • Establish a performance measurement framework for continuous improvement.

E-commerce Store:

  • Develop a dedicated wiki section to efficiently onboard and educate new staff.

  • Enhance collaboration and content creation in the blog/podcast division with optimized content creation systems and post tracking across various platforms.

  • Generate and organize innovative product ideas to diversify the store's offerings.

  • Establish a centralized space for marketing strategies, campaigns, and analytics.

  • Create a secure and organized section for storing confidential information, such as emails and passwords.

  • Maintain an updated list of reliable suppliers to ensure efficient inventory management.

The Bounce-back (Blog/Podcast):

  • Develop and maintain a comprehensive content calendar for timely publishing.

  • Curate a space for team members to brainstorm and draft blog and podcast content ideas.

  • Streamline the editing process for efficient content refinement before publication.

  • Compile a resource section for staff to utilize and market ideas with strategies to promote blog and podcast content effectively.

  • Define and track achievable goals to measure the success and growth of the blog and podcast platforms.

Playback LA (Recording Studio):

  • Create a dedicated space for tracking notes, receipts, email records, and screenshots related to legal matters, ensuring comprehensive documentation.

  • Develop and maintain a centralized database of clients for efficient project management.

  • Establish a comprehensive staff list for easy access to contact information and role assignments.

  • Maintain an organized list of colleagues for effective collaboration and communication within the recording studio.

These objectives collectively contribute to the growth and effectiveness of the sub-groups within Gold Minds Management Inc. Each objective is strategically designed to address specific aspects, fostering a well-rounded and successful operation.




The most significant challenge in this project was navigating and understanding the distinct operational landscapes of the subgroups. This required a nuanced application of Notion solutions to address specific pain points and enhance overall efficiency within Gold Minds Management Inc.


Our Approach

Our Approach

Gold Minds partnered with us to optimize their operations using Notion, a versatile workspace tool. We performed a comprehensive analysis of each sub-group's unique needs and tailored Notion to address specific pain points.

Music Management Agency:
We utilized Notion to implement a customized framework for Gold Minds Music Management Inc. This encompassed a centralized project and task manager for tracking website updates, a content creation hub, a structured financial tracking database, organized client and staff directories, a client onboarding page, and a performance metrics dashboard. Together, these solutions significantly improved efficiency, collaboration, and goal attainment across different business sections, ensuring a streamlined and transparent operational workflow.

E-commerce Store:
We leveraged Notion databases to establish systems for wiki and inventory management, order processing, and customer support. Additionally, we integrated tracking systems for new shipment ideas and streamlined communication between suppliers and fulfillment teams.

Blog/Podcast Division:
We implemented Notion boards for editorial calendars, content creation pipelines, and episode planning. Collaboration was enhanced through shared databases, enabling seamless ideation and content publishing.

Recording Studio:
We integrated Notion as a central hub for project management, incorporating databases for recording schedules, equipment inventory, and client communication. This streamlined the entire studio process from booking to project completion.




Switching to a Notion solution had an immediate and substantial impact on Gold Minds Management Inc.:

  • The music management agency achieved increased efficiency with a consistent 20% reduction in project turnaround time. The solution also facilitated tracking and prioritization of high-ROI tasks, yielding significant results.

  • The e-commerce store experienced a 15% improvement in order processing speed and customer satisfaction.

  • The blog/podcast division witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in content output and enhanced collaboration among team members.

  • Operations in the recording studio became 25% more organized, resulting in improved project timelines and heightened client satisfaction.


People behind this awesome project

People behind this awesome project

Derek Siau

Process Automation Specialist

Derek Siau

Process Automation Specialist

Derek Siau

Process Automation Specialist

Edun Kerry

Notion Certified Expert

Edun Kerry

Notion Certified Expert

Edun Kerry

Notion Certified Expert

“Working with Kerry and Derek was a game-changer for my business. Their Notion expertise transformed they way we work. A tremendous improvement in our team’s productivity and collaboration.

“Working with Kerry and Derek was a game-changer for my business. Their Notion expertise transformed they way we work. A tremendous improvement in our team’s productivity and collaboration.

Dean Earls, CEO

Gold Minds Group Inc.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you help set up collaborative workspace?

Can you help set up collaborative workspace?

Can you help set up collaborative workspace?

What customization options are available?

What customization options are available?

What customization options are available?

What is the process like?

What is the process like?

What is the process like?

How does your pricing work?

How does your pricing work?

How does your pricing work?

Why is it priced the way it is?

Why is it priced the way it is?

Why is it priced the way it is?

Is there a minimum engagement period?

Is there a minimum engagement period?

Is there a minimum engagement period?

Ready to accelerate your organization’s growth?

We’re dedicated to achieving seamless productivity improvement.

Ready to accelerate your organization’s growth?

We’re dedicated to achieving seamless productivity improvement.

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